Monday, October 6, 2014

Around the Block

 Spring is doing its best to get here, but the wind is bringing showers and there is still a chill in the air. Soon! We headed down to the Hamilton temple with our friends and fellow missionaries, Bill and Bonita Reynolds. They have headed home after completing a wonderful mission. Very remarkable people and we miss them!

 Here we are after our temple session. The Reynolds are great people!!

 Took off with some friends to explore the Shakespear Park on the northeast coast. Was a beautiful day! The grass is so green from the spring rains and the sky and water were nothing short of a travel brochure!

 This is for you Ariel! I believe they mow and fertilize the grass at the same time by having all of these sheep in the pastures...had to watch where we were walking! Lots of young lambs!

 Such a serene moment- far away from the traffic and the hectic pace of the city. The island in the background is Rangitoto- the 600 year old island that just "blew" into existence one day while the Maori people watched!

 We made it to the look-out on top of the hill. Was so good to get out into the open and see the lovely vistas!

As we walked along one of the beaches we saw this interesting scene. We thought that Tangaroa was coming ashore!

I have been walking through our neighborhood for quite some time and thought it was time to share it with you! We live on a peninsula and Devonport is an older area of town with many restored and well kept homes from a century ago.

 This one was built by Shalimar in1910 and is by far my favorite house on the point...or anywhere else! Old world charm, stained glass windows and gingerbread scrollwork on the porch and in the eaves.

 Since the peninsula is wide but there is only one road that goes through, people have built their homes two, three and sometimes four deep off the main road. Loved the wisteria along the fence!

 Another gem for your architectural palate!

 Modern co-exists with classic and somehow it all works well. The spring flowers are beginning to add some color after a chilly and overcast winter.

Here is one of the modern homes amidst the old charmers!

 No post is complete without a picture of our harbor! This was taken from the park down the hill from our flat.

 Another amazing estate on our street. I enjoy visiting with the two dogs that often sleep next to the gate. Complete with carriage house, this villa property would probably sell for 3-4 mil.

Back to my favorite place...notice the monstrosity in the background that rises 12 stories and is the only building on the peninsula that is more than 3 stories? 
Right, we live on the 10th floor...drop in any time!!!