Monday, December 23, 2013

Day One!


Leaving freezing temperatures for the early summer of New Zealand has not been a hardship. Leaving family has...We were picked up in Auckland by Elder and Sister Taylor, a very capable and kind couple who are serving as the Area Mental Health Advisory team. We will be working with them a great deal over the next year. They fed us, introduced us at the Area Office and helped us acclimate to the way things are done in New Zealand! The left hand driving is a bit awkward, but we will manage. We are excited to be beginning a new adventure and thrilled with the hope that we can help to build the kingdom in this part of the world. Our Christmas Day will be unusual, but loving the Savior and being grateful for His atonement is fresh in our minds everyday regardless of our circumstances!

                                               The lovely view out our apartment window- 
two windows make up most of the outside wall.

Auckland harbor at dusk

Sister Taylor and Elder Brown eating fish and chips wrapped in newspaper
Fresh and so yummy!

 Elder and Sister Taylor and Elder Brown at the shore

Day One: Weary and a little jet-lagged, but excited to get started!

FYI: There are 17 missions covering Australia, New Zealand and the islands of Tahiti, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu and Marshall Islands. There are nearly 3000 missionaries serving and about 350 applications each month for prospective missionaries from this area of the world- we most definitely have our work cut out for us!!